Let me see...where does one begin to describe Paradise? The picture here is the sunset on the day I arrived taken from the property where my son's future mother and father-in-law live. The company is wonderful, the scenery is wonderful, the food is wonderful...and let me tell you about the shopping!!!I'm here to visit my son. And since he recently became engaged, I am here to meet my future daughter-in-law and her family. Nicole is wonderful and so are her parents, who have graciously welcomed me and are letting me stay with them. I am so blessed that my son fell in love with such a lovely young lady and doubly blessed that she has such a terrific family! The wedding planning begins tonight with a picnic dinner at the beach with someone who is a pro at planning weddings. I'm afraid that after tonight, we'll all have jobs assigned to us!Well, that's it for now. Nine more days and I'll have to return to the real world. Rats. More later...
I just don't understand why the government, whether it be local, state or national, must insert itself where it shouldn't. It is being reported that Massachusetts is about to pass a law against spanking your child. That means, if your kid is throwing a fit in the grocery store and you've given him or her that stern look 15 times and finally, to get his or her attention, you swat their butt, watch out! Be ready for a tap on the shoulder and a pair of nice shiney bracelets! And a police escort and most likely, your kid being placed in protective custody, or worse, foster care. Absurd, I say. Yes, there are bad parents out there, but there are more parents who feel it is appropriate to discipline their child in the manner they deem necessary. Of course, if someone sees a child whose parent has obviously lost control and is abusing the child, they should intervene. But if there is a law on the books, laying a hand on that child could land you in jail. I sure hope I've misunderstood this law. Don't get me wrong, I do NOT endorse giving people the freedom to abuse their kids. I just don't think this is something the government needs to be involved in. How about we stop returning kids to their parents when there is a history of abuse? How about having more personnel to check out foster parents better. There are so many better ways of dealing with this other than having a law on the books prohibiting spanking.