

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The Birth Of My Blog

OK. So here I am, entering the first bit of information on my very own Blog. First of all, about the name...."Red Licorice and Jujubees." As a child, those were my very favorite candies. Now, some mumblemumble years later, I still can't resist buying either when I see them, mainly because of the warm fuzzy feeling I get enjoying the taste and memories they bring back.

I don't really have anything profound to say tonight. Well, I do, but I'll hold off for a little while. Maybe one night, with a glass of wine and a very direct attitude I'll ramble on. But for now, I'll just dip my big toe into the world of blogging and try to remember that people actually might read what I put here. Now, that's really frightening!


STAG said...

Oh sure...why not! Blog surfing is a nice way to kill an hour or two before bed time.


STAG said...

Oh, and if you click on my name, you get automatically sent to MY blog. Thats how it works, and its great.
